How To Trade Forex News Release, Real Time Trades, Best Strategy

5:14 PM
How To Trade Forex News Release, Real Time Trades, Best Strategy

hello there. hector deville here. welcome to a new video. today we are going to be covering news announcements or, well, more specifically, how to deal with news announcements whenever we are searching for london open breakouts. all right? well, we are going to be focusing mostly

on early morning news, especially those coming from either europe or england since, well, at the end of the day, you know that whenever we are trading this strategy, we focus mostly on euro and sterling pound crosses. ok? so obviously the news items that we want to pay special attention are those coming from either europe or england. ok?

in case you don’t know, well, these news announcements from either of these two economies, they come out early in the morning. all right? and when i mean early in the morning, i mean early in the morning european time obviously. 10:00 am, 9:00 am, euro time, which is again around 4:00 am eastern standard time. so those are the news announcements we’re going to be focusing on because, well,

as you probably know, news announcements can easily spike price in any given direction for over 50 pips. ok? news announcements depending on how important they are or – well, actually depending on how shocking the outcome of those news announcements actually, well, they can easily spike price for 50 pips, even more. all right? even more

and obviously that’s something you really want to take into consideration whenever you are searching for intraday trades. ok? because one spike is just enough to easily knock your stop-loss within the minute. ok? so obviously that’s something you want to be paying close attention to. ok? all right. let’s get going. all right.

well the first thing you need to do whenever you

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